Green tea pills and weight loss are two terms that are often used together, but what is the link between the two? In our culture, we're always looking for the best, latest and fastest way to lose weight. It seems like there's always a new solution popping up. But most people want something that will help us burn the fat without any bad side effects or health consequences.
It originates from India and China and has a long history that spans centuries. It has been used in ceremonies, socializing, in preparing meals, and as medicine. Today it's becoming more popular in Western countries, particularly the U.S. as it is being used in drinks, coffee, ice cream and in supplements.
It stands out amongst other teas (black, white, etc.) because of how it is produced. While other teas go through a fermentation process, this beverage is steamed. This results in the tea retaining its nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin E and the powerful polyphenol EGCG.
And the polyphenol EGCG is the link between green tea pills and weight loss. You see, EGCG increases your metabolic rate. This leads to your body burning more calories than normal. Every activity you do from walking, running, lifting weights, even digesting will burn more calories because of EGCG's thermogenic properties.
In a study that included 132 obese adults, half the group was given 3 cups of green tea per day while the other was given just regular water. They participated in 3 hours of exercise a week with a moderated calorie intake every day.
The result showed proof that green tea had a positive effect on weight loss. The group that drank the tea had lost 4.5 lbs while the group only lost 2 lbs through the course of 2 months. The most successful group also had lowered their body fat percentage more than their counterparts.
In another study involving women, half the group was given a green tea pill and the other half a placebo. They controlled the same amount of calories and exercised every day. Within a two week period, the group that took the green tea pill has 23-77% more weight loss than the group which took the placebo pills.
As you can see, green tea pills and weight loss is actually a winning combination. It is not a fad nor a miracle cure as it assists weight loss. Keep in mind that you will have to watch what you eat and exercise regularly. The reality is that you cannot expect instantaneous weight loss - you should expect it to work for you over the long term. So go ahead and start supplementing your weight loss regime now.